Ohio Legacy Cabinets & Millwork
Making Your Dream A Reality!
100% Satisfaction Is Our Goal.

First Initial Plans Free!
Ohio Legacy check measures every job, and also meets with the customer about the desired design.
3d drawings and quote will be supplied after initial meeting and check measure. First set of plans and quote are free! Then a fee of $100 per set of plans.
Full Custom/ Semi Custom Cabinets
Ohio Legacy offers full custom cabinetry, built specifically for your space.
Semi custom cabinets are also available.
We provide delivery and installation of our cabinets.
100% Satisfaction
At Ohio Legacy our goal is to please our customers 100%!
We strive for high quality work, and good communication with the customer throughout the project duration.
About Us
Here at Ohio Legacy we produce quality work that we stand behind! We have a great team. We all work together to make projects as smooth as possible for our customers. We can meet any of your custom project needs!
We build relationships with each and every customer that stops in. To us it is more than just work but about building lasting relationships, while also bringing your dream to life.
We love having customers in our showroom and showing them around our facilities to see how their cabinets will go through the process.
We would love to do business with you! To setup a meeting please call our office at 330-756-4732 or if you have plans they can be emailed to jkerr.ohiolegacy@gmail.com
Check out the tabs on the header above for photos of the beautiful work we have done! There is a tab for kitchens, bathrooms, furniture pieces, and Misc. Don't miss it!
Current Lead Times:
Kitchens And Bathrooms :8-12 Weeks
Single Cabinets Or Small Projects :6-8 Weeks

Trade Partners

Newly Updated Show Room

319 3rd Ave Sw
Beach City, Oh 44618
Tel: 330-756-4732
Fax: 330-230-0123
Office Hours: 9:00am to 3:30pm Monday-Thursday
Fridays are Appointment Only!
Shop Hours: 6:00am to 4:00pm Monday-Thursday
Shop is closed on Fridays
*Appointments Can Be Made Outside Of Hours *

For any inquiries, please call: 330-756-4732
Email: jkerr.ohiolegacy@gmail.com